How to Maintain a Dewy Complexion (Even While You’re Treating Acne)
acne cardamom Extraordinary Face Oil Wooshie’s Blend green tea healthy skin manuka neroli pumpkin seed oil skin care skincare vetiver white grapefruit
When it comes to treating breakout-prone skin, many skincare protocols incorporate harsh, drying products that draw out the natural moisture and oils in your skin. The dryness may shrink blemishes in the short term, but the dehydration makes your skin produce even more oil and continue the cycle of acne.
The real secret to obtaining a beautifully, healthy and clear complexion? Using formulas rich in botanicals and fatty acids, which help transform your skin and keep blemishes at bay – sometimes before they even form.
Because blemishes are typically caused by a buildup of oil and bacteria in the pores, it can be difficult for new skin cells to form, producing consistent breakouts that ultimately damage the skin and leave you with an oily complexion.
This is likely when you’d reach for a mattifying toner or cleanser with ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid (to kill the acne-causing bacteria and prevent shine). But rather than dehydrating your skin – which can lead to a host of other issues down the road, like visible lines and premature wrinkling – you can combat blemishes while achieving a balanced, dewy complexion. And it all starts with Circell’s Extraordinary Oil for Oily/Problematic Skin (Wooshie’s Blend).
Using oil to combat oil may seem contradictory, but it’s a rather innovative and unique way of hydrating the skin whilst repairing damage caused by acne. Wooshie’s Blend Facial Oil features a myriad of oils and extracts which work to naturally eliminate blemish-inducing bacteria at the same time that they repair, rejuvenate and transform skin by soothing irritation and clarifying the complexion.
Unlike many oils used to treat acne, Wooshie’s Blend -- a unique oil featuring an innovative fermentation process which encourages the production of free fatty acids -- focuses on the skin at a cellular level to not only ensure the health of your skin, but also to improve the quality and appearance.
Ingredients like Green Tea and Pumpkin seed oil act as antibacterial agents to effectively cleanse your pores of bacteria and oil, while essential oils of Neroli, Cardamom, Vetiver, White Grapefruit and Manuka clarify the skin for a beautifully balanced look.
What results is a glowing, purified complexion free from blemishes and acneic damage. Wooshie’s Blend also encourages cellular turnover to balance and hydrate the skin, working to encourage the growth of new skin cells to produce a dewy look that’s less oil and shine, and more youthful, radiant glow.
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